

Alex Day

I like to keep my creation ambiguous, because I don’t want to say I’m a fighter.

  • Fort Worth, Texas
  • Joined November 2023

Alex Day

A lady said her relationship encountered a big challenge. It turned out that her lover used to drink wine with her, take care of her, and wake up her at dawn to make love, but now she realized that her lover has something separate from her: he going away fishing, traveling the world, shooting photos, hanging out with other people. So she said she doesn’t know what she should do. #relationshipchallenge #trappedin #lowIQ #notloyal #hateloverelationship #everyonelies #femalefault #somethingtrivial #womanizer #firstlove #sexlife #winewomensex #lostincity #weallvived

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Ann Hanson

It seems the lady really had a big challenge, the question is if she discovered truth she would still stay with her lover or just move on.


Steve Spencer

Some people said AI can lead to erosion of truth, amplify division, political unrest, gender bias, and false information. True or false? #lieanddishonest #toxicfriendship #dramaticchange #crazybehavior #nastyattitude #tearfulmoments #scaringsituation #fooledby #badmouth #abusepower #datingfatique #evildesire #everyonelies #lowIQ #hateloverelationship

Some people said AI
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Heather Redman

It can create more lies, division, and dishonest.


Paul Parker

AI can help a lot, but also can have huge challenges.


Tim Swann

Some people said their sleep is disrupted by their partner’s snoring and night-owl-lifestyle, so they choose to sleep apart, which is considered by others a sign of loveless and sexless relationship, but those choosing to sleep apart said that it improves mood, lowers stress, increases sexual desire and pleasure because of better quality sleep. #telltruth #relationships #sleepbetter #Qtips #perfectcouple #showrestraint #feelpressure #tightropewalk #rawpassages #ashamedthings #trappedin #hateloverelationship #sleepingandsex

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Ann Hanson

Very interesting post! But snoring, night-owl-lifestyle also let people feel not comfortable.


Dana Foyle

Sleep apart actually is good for many people because it can have better sleep.


Karl Joyce

Missing Part: My friend said he lived in a small town for years, enjoyed hiking, boating, fishing; when he moved to the big city, his routine life makes him feel something missing; he said he likes others in the big city, struggling with the traffic, working hard, and always looking for, and tried to find his missing part. #highbloodpressure #modernstyle #fastfood #crushesanddesire #laughsandjokes #differentcultures #bellyfat #crucialmoment #meetingchallenges #pooranddesperate #coolandsexy #sexualscenes #wearealllived #feelpainful #artexhibitionhall #artgallery #museum #emotionandinstinct #hateloverelationship

Missing Part: My fri
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Ann Hanson

When a person feels something missing, it's time to find out why and do something.


Summer Duff

Everyone has missing part so the question is how to find out the missing part and how to let it be back in life.


Emily Hill

My friend said she hates the turtle speed because her guy wants to take things slow; so she just lives together with the guy for years and still doesn’t know his true self. #selfishman #lowerstand #ventanger #greedymentality #nevergoodenough #bitching #motherhood #antiaging #urgentneed #everyonelies #trappedin #lowIQ #hateloverelationship

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Shannon Benard

This is when girls feel trapped in but if they want they still can change themselves.


Lance Clark

It seems the guy takes advantage.


Katie Roberts

A guy said he’s a little extreme, waiting for his success, but he has a love and hate relationship with his work, which likes his girlfriend’s experience: sometimes she’s affected by music, sometimes she feels noise. #hateloverelationship #everyonelies #lovejustsex #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #isacrificedalot #trappedin

A guy said he’s a
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Dana Foyle

Many people feel they trapped in their job and have hate and love relationship, for their passion is not working there and they feel they waist their time.


Jan Goodman

Many professionals worked for years and they still feel the same thing: they feel they trapped in their job, going no where, and their so called success is just fool themselves, because no one cares about their studies, their works, books, etc., and they not happy.


John Austin

A friend said she ‘s busy every day and feels time running fast. She starts to slow down now, which gives her sometime for herself: a cocktail, a smile, a backyard girl’s thing. “Just like a candle’s slow time burning,” she said. #busygirl #lifeisshort #cookingclass #spendmoney #trappedinjob #workplaceculture #getpromotion #beingfired #hateloverelationship

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Dana Foyle

Many people feel time running fast and want to do something for themselves, so a cocktail, a backyard girl's thing become trending because work hard to get promotion is one thing but life is short is another thing.


Jan Goodman

Another thing is many people trapped in their job, they can't leave their job, and they have a hate-love-relationship because they feel they waist their time, just work for money, not for their passion.


Bill Atlanta

Without Distraction: My friend is a law officer who just bought a house and wanted to celebrate. He said when he and his girlfriend on the bed, he didn’t want any distraction, but her girlfriend still talking on the phone sometimes, which made him not happy, so he told her that he hates distraction on bed, he even said her: don’t seeing your friend, don’t answering the door. #hateloverelationship #machoman #controlyourself #gutinstinct #somethingtrivial #legendarymoment #neversaynever #loveformoney #sextool #addictedtosex

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Carol Young

Funny. But the man seems macho, who wants to dictate the girl what she can do, which is not good and their relationship may not last for long, even he bought a house.


Kelly Wicks

A girl said she’s worried about her guy because he likes to flirt. When asked what she wants from her guy, she said what she wants is simple, just like those basic things, like her drinking coffee everyday, sleeping with a pillow, and that’s all. #sexygirl #mademistakes #hateloverelationship #everyonelies #somethingtrivial #womanizer #wealllived #femalefault #cowboysnevercry #lovejustsex #partygirl #winewomensex #haveaffair #blabbermouth #lowIQ #sleepingaround #geniusandfool #itoldyouso #allmenarenotgood

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Jenny Webb

Man liking flirting is difficult to deal with, so the best way for the girl is leaving him after warning, this is what my friend did and she said now she feels much better than before because she doesn't need to worry about boyfriend's flirt anymore.


Jenny Webb

A guy said he’s a law officer and worries about money, because he wants to buy a house; when he starts to save money, holding spending, his girlfriend’s not happy, because she wants fancy dress, jewelry, vacations; when his girlfriend’s spending drives him nuts, wants to buy expensive makeup again, he said to her: Stop your stupid spending. #savemoney #trappedin #allmenarenotgood #itoldyouso #machoman #sexygirl #loveformoney #moneytalk #lowIQ #yourregret #sextool #lovelesslife #lovejustsex #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #hateloverelationship #everyonelies

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Will Grant

Seems we have a macho man again, the question is his sexy girlfriend would think the same way: This guy drives me nuts, should I stay with him or find another guy?


Amy Lynch

Some girls said they pursue their dream and never being satisfied. Others said when dating their guys, they feel it’s better for them to stay with them, instead of being single again, because they discovered shocking things about their guys: they’re never been satisfied. #datingandsex #sexylook #beingsingle #pursueyourdream #geniusandfool #shockingthings #woderfulfeeling #trappedin #embarrassingthing #blabbermouth #hateloverelationship

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Carol Young

Dating is tricky. A friend said her last lover was attracted by her sexy look, creamy skin, soft lips, so their dating was just sex.


Will Grant

A girl said she's looking for a person to help her business, a person who doesn't need to have a lot of training. She also dated several people, including law officer, and she's tired of fixing drinking problem, crazy behavior, nasty attitude. When she starts to date again, just like her business, she looks for a guy ready to do everything. #dating #drinkingproblem #crazybehavior #nastyattitude #tearfulmoments #scaringsituation #hateloverelationship #findagoodman

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Jenny Webb

My friend started a business with her guy, but she thinks it's better for her to leave him, for they argued a lot, had fights. She had tearful moments, scaring situation, now they barely speaking, and there's so much tension there.


Jenny Webb

A friend said her field is brutal and experienced fierce competition; she said she's tired of waiting for her next opportunity, promotion, and decided to do something for herself, for her family, and her kids; she said she sacrificed a lot, staying in her field for years, and still doesn't know when she can change the situation. #careerwomen #isacrificedalot #wrongbusiness #trappedin #singlemother #catchuplosttime #yourregret #bigcompanydoll #lovelesslife #lifeisshort #urbanlabyrinth #findagoodman #worklikeslave #whymustilivelikethis? #hateloverelationship #localcuisine

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Ann Hanson

It's true many women sacrificed a lot for their career, family, kids and the can't live a life like this forever.