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Alex Day
I like to keep my creation ambiguous, because I don’t want to say I’m a fighter.
- Fort Worth, Texas
- Joined November 2023
I like to keep my creation ambiguous, because I don’t want to say I’m a fighter.
Fort Worth, Texas
A girl said she’s smart, pretty, but feels sometimes too girly. Her feminine look let her falling in love, but she realized her guy is a womanizer. #lovejustsex #partygirl #iearneditmyself #lifeisshort #winewomensex #haveaffair #lostincity #urbanlabyrinth
Skincare Trend: My friend said she discovered a new generation of moisturizers, that can promise up to 24 hours of slow-release moisture. #fitnessroutine #cosmeticwork #eatingbehavior #feelstressful #datingandsex #foreveryoung #shoppingforfun #superbuyer #pursuehappiness #iearneditmyself
Lance Clark
Interesting and cool.
Dana Foyle
A great post and like it.
A friend said she’s a fan of makeup, recently, she also had a true spa experience: massage, rejuvenating facial, releasing trapped energy, and a total relaxation! Before leaving the spa at sunset she said she felt a cool breeze shifting her glossy hair, and a sense of peace. #spaexperience #lifeisaparty #iearneditmyself #isacrificedalot #lifelikeart #malegaze #lifeisshort
Katie Roberts
Love the story. Spa can make people feel relax and renew the energy, it also let people feel enjoy life more.
Dana Foyle
I discovered makeup and love it, it seems next thing is spa, which may also find its greatness.
My friend is a funny, happy person, he travels to a place, finds everything is interesting; he wants to be a chef, or a musician; he has random ideas, he leaves a flower on the desk, sends a postcard, for no reason. #happyperson #lifeisaparty #iearneditmyself #lifelikeart #purposeoflife #temptationofwomen #marriedpeoplenothappy #Westernworldmyth
Katie Roberts
Happy person always finds way to enjoy life and what they discovered also can be helpful for others.
Dana Foyle
Love the post! My friend is also positive, he loves cooking, and he can always find a great restaurant for his friends.
A guy said he’s a little extreme, waiting for his success, but he has a love and hate relationship with his work, which likes his girlfriend’s experience: sometimes she’s affected by music, sometimes she feels noise. #hateloverelationship #everyonelies #lovejustsex #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #isacrificedalot #trappedin
Dana Foyle
Many people feel they trapped in their job and have hate and love relationship, for their passion is not working there and they feel they waist their time.
Jan Goodman
Many professionals worked for years and they still feel the same thing: they feel they trapped in their job, going no where, and their so called success is just fool themselves, because no one cares about their studies, their works, books, etc., and they not happy.
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: She’s excited about her last success. Y: Really? X: She just got a project. Z: A project? X: Yep, a few days later she saw her on TV, and said: “Oh, it’s that easy?” Y & Z: (Laughs.) #projectandsuccess #funtime #luckyandsmart #iearneditmyself #partygirl #stupidquestions
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: Her friend got divorce, so she adjusted her behavior, became wiser. Y: Really? X: Yes, now she seeing herself through the eyes of her lover. Z: How? X: She said when her lover was stoked seeing her naked, she felt a million bucks. Y & Z: (Laughs.) #divorce #milliondollargirl #angry #jealous #partygirl #luckyandsmart #easylife #enviedbymany #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #lovejustsex

Tom Edward
Anderson West
She looks a million-dollar girl.
Allen Pace
Girl's behavior, lover's mood, is tricky; one girl said once she went to a party, got home, found her guy locked the door, for her guy thought she was out a lot, he was jealous, angry, so she said she made a mistake when looking for a partner.
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: She feels she like a caged bird. Y: Caged bird? X: Her beauty concept is a pretty girl with makeup. Z: How? X: Once she walked on the street and someone yelled: “Hey, Blondie!” Y: Really? X: Another time she died her hair. Y: What happened? X: She burned her head. Y & Z: (Laughs.) #prettygirl #easylife #enviedbymany #iearneditmyself #partygirl #findagoodman #fancydress #shoppingforfun #enjoylife

Tom Edward
Go Long
Thanks for like it

Chris Chapmen
Some girls enjoy their caged bird lifestyle; a girl said her friend is still difficult to make a commitment to choose a career, she doesn't want to be tired down, she envies her lifestyle, and said she's lucky.
Travel, social, friends, and… mistake you? Some people said they like travel, socializing and talking to different people and their friends always talk about chasing dreams, going to the beach, ex-lovers. One girl said goes to party, charity, and she’s mistaken by others many times because people think she’s a model, a designer, a dancer, and she just smiles, doesn’t correct them. #travelandsocial #chasingdreams #beachlife #exlover #partygirl #enviedbymany #iearneditmyself

Bill Atlanta
Anderson West
One guy said his ex-lover is model, when traveling they saw a naked beach, so they swimming, walking, eating naked, when asked his feeling, he said he likes being naked, for many people like it, including president Roosevelt, British writer Bernard Shaw.
Shannon Benard
Travelling, chasing dreams, and talking to different people make life interesting and can get inspirations about how to be successful; also, people discover new things, such as a paradise, a naked beach, a carnival.
Peter Price
Very interesting post. Some people are very active, they travel socialize, and talk to different people and they feel young, have good mood, and also discover new things by going places not on the tourist list; when they are mistaken by others, they are cool, still do what they like.
Heather Redman
When young, people can do everything they want, chasing dream, being very cool, and having a lot of fun; but there are also a lot people can't be this way, because they need to work, make money, support family, so there are two groups in real life.
Tim Swann
Chasing dream, enjoying life, and feeling free, are the best parts of life and everyone should experience those moments.
Daniel Frick
A tip for some girls who feel they are smart, pretty, but they just forget that there are bad guys there and they can hurt them.
Debra Darling
Bad guys are everywhere and girls just need to be very careful because when we have so many cases that people said it was because of consensual sex but in reality it was always using some force that let girl give up.