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Greg Hamilton
I express my self very often; sometimes I experienced different things, but I think I’m smart than others.
- Seattle, Washington
- Joined November 2023
I express my self very often; sometimes I experienced different things, but I think I’m smart than others.
Seattle, Washington
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Looking & Finding: A girl said she got bored and went to her mother’s hometown, a foreign country, where she found an interesting lifestyle; so, at a fashion weekend, she found a cool community, a food grower; she also found her best friends and shared her tips: exercise, self-learning. #languageclass #fancyshoes #sexyandseductive #glamourgirl #successandfear #sexylook #foreveryoung #projectandsuccess #shoppingforfun #goodtiming #Westernworldmyth
People sometimes say silly things, making stupid jokes, but other times seem to offer support, advice; but what if one says: I speak from the heart, do what I like, even it’s crazy and radical? #luckyandsmart #worththeprice #successandfear #machismo #lieanddishonest #makingmoney #loverandfamily #razyandreal #romanticpeople #toxicfriendship #lowselfesteem #youignoreit #trappedin #lowIQ #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #yourworth #temptationofwomen #sleepingandsex #marriedpeoplenothappy
Kate Brown
Crazy and radical are different from those who said they speak from the heart and do what they like, so people need to see what are in their craziness.
Joseph Clark
Agree. crazy and radical could be judged by different people with different views, so need to be careful.
A friend said her life and success are always linked to fear. When she was young she supposed to go out and have friends but she feared people would say: “You’re a slut.” When she got a good job she had fear and thought: People may find out you’re not as good as you said. People may think you’re a lie, you may get fired. #successandfear #badactors #putdownothers #jobinterview #getpromotion #beingfired
Jenny Webb
Women usually have more fear than men, because we're still in a men dominated world and those women who are successful still feel they might encounter bad actors who just want to put down others, specially for women.
Tim Swann
It's true that women have more fear than men because most places where men are judging others and they are in leadership positions, so women still have a long way to go to feel better.
Ali Turner
Very interesting post and love it!
Andy Hauser
When people get bored, they need to find a way to get their life back, and traveling is the best way to do the job.