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Heather Redman
I work hard, make more, and hope one day I can buy a house.
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Joined April 2024
I work hard, make more, and hope one day I can buy a house.
Nashville, Tennessee
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My friend’s product has a unique appeal, which is a neon-type business. She’s in a laid-back town, where has a boat trip attraction, a mom-and-pop store, a by water hideout, and a kids-run free place; so, her creation has many loyal customers. #rightdecision #visualpleasure #smalltownsincerity #eyecontact #instantchic #simplelife #facemassage #tangibleculture #spaexperience #lifelikeart
My friend said she feels much better, and has her caterpillar moment. She gives her product wings, let it fly, because she believes everything has its beauty, just like flowers bloom in their time. #rightdecision #instantchic #tangibleculture #minibags #neutralcolor #softmaterials #creativemindset #modernstyle #temptationofwomen #marriedpeoplenothappy
Kurt Mcdonald
A beautiful post and love it.
Sam Nash
Yes, everything has its beauty, just like flowers bloom in their time, which is so beautiful.
My neighbor said she used to not care about others, but she changed herself and become more sensitive to others: she help others solve problems, share her tips, social with different people, be nice to everyone, and even become a volunteer, and now people say: she’s so adorable. #myneighbor #rightdecision #equalrights #ecoliving #citizensresponsibility #purposeoflife #yourworth
Matt Wood
My friend also changed herself, people used to say she was superficial and dumb, and now say she's great because she's active about social issues.
Steve Spencer
Change from a selfish person to a person who cares about society, community, is really great!
Dana Foyle
A very cool post and love it.
Jan Goodman
Interesting and cool.