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Heather Redman
I work hard, make more, and hope one day I can buy a house.
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Joined April 2024
I work hard, make more, and hope one day I can buy a house.
Nashville, Tennessee
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My friend’s product has a unique appeal, which is a neon-type business. She’s in a laid-back town, where has a boat trip attraction, a mom-and-pop store, a by water hideout, and a kids-run free place; so, her creation has many loyal customers. #rightdecision #visualpleasure #smalltownsincerity #eyecontact #instantchic #simplelife #facemassage #tangibleculture #spaexperience #lifelikeart
Some people said they like simple life, prefer tangible culture, because they tried different things and said some of them suck. Now they fear ChatGPT, AI, because those tech tools will impact the labor market, and many jobs could disappear. Is ChatGPT and AI a bad thing? #simplelife #theysuck #tangibleculture
Will Grant
I also prefer simple life, tangible culture; when I tried different restaurants, if I found they suck, I could stop going there, but ChatGPT and AI are different, they could damage many things and disturb people's normal life.
Matt Wood
Agree. People like a life they can manage, if they find something that is not good, they can get rid of it, if they tried restaurants and they suck, they can not go there again, but if ChatGPT and AI have damage, they feel hopeless.
Dana Foyle
A very cool post and love it.
Jan Goodman
Interesting and cool.