

Karl Joyce

I find my things that fit me, for I have unabashed personality that let others accept me.

  • Dallas, Texas
  • Joined March 2024

Karl Joyce

My friend’s dream is to become a luxury designer, even though he’s in the service industry, so his starting point is to work hard, making sure his customers are happy, because he realized that if he wants others to respect him as a designer, he should first stop his own disrespectful way. #wonderinground #shopping #sensitiveperson #weirdtalent #equalrights #ecoliving #citizensresponsibility #skinproducts #antiaging #biking #feelyoungagain #trappedinmarriage

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Alex Day

Great post! Yes, to let others to respect you, you need to stop your own disrespectful way.


Rebecca Houston

Love the post.


Donna Sears

Gorgeous & Feisty: My friend has a flawless complexion, gorgeous bone structure, and perfect eyebrows; she’s also a feisty and sensitive person: she works hard, demands respect, promotion, and equal payment. #sensitiveperson #equalrights #weirdtalent #citizensresponsibility

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Jack Smith

A very cool post, which can inspire others.


Tom Edward

AI, misinformation, human manipulation, and an evil? Some people said AI has its flawed data, and is an evil and a nuclear bomb, which could lead to society deterioration, human extinction, robot takeover and to let bad actors do more and more harmful and inaccurate things. #feelingvulnerable #bullyingothers #sharperteeth #weirdtalent

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Heather Redman

AI could bring good things, but bad actors can use it to spread false info, provide not correct info, even make huge mistakes.


Matt Wood

My friend said she made hit in the past, because her design got huge attention and she felt it was her true revelation. #Wonderinground #shopping #weirdtalent #lookinggreat #skinproducts #beautyfood #smartpeople #antiaging #isacrificedalot #malegaze #lifeisaparty #conquermen #marriedpeoplenothappy #iearneditmyself

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Liz Lewis

Love the post, when you achieved something that reflected your true version, you're happy.


Heather Redman

Yes, when you get the best version of yourself out you feel good.


Ted Douglas

My friend is a weird talent, she likes singing, performing and acting; she also liked stunts. Once she building herself bigger boobs, putting on large-cup bras, with a deep V-neck cleavage and went to a restaurant; now waiter at her table lingering long after taking her order, a friend started hitting on her, thus making her friendship weird forever after. #weirdtalent #singing #performing #acting #beautyfood #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #lifeisaparty #marriedpeoplenothappy #temptationofwomen #conquermen

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Greg Hamilton

Love the post! Weird talent let people feel life is interesting and rich.


Jack Smith

Very funny! My friend also like stunts and she always let others have fun.


Go Long

Citizen’s Responsibility: You’re a sensitive person, for when you take a dance class, your mom said: “You’ve got to commit to it”, but you become a weird talent: you care about environmentalism, equal rights, recycling, and consider them your responsibility. #sensitiveperson #weirdtalent #equalrights #ecoliving #citizensresponsibility #prejudice #helpothers #differentcultures #meetingchallenges #diversity #unfairtreatment #beingkindtoothers #climatechange #imigration #politicalpolarization #culturewar #tradewar #Chrisandsuffering #democracy #humanrights

Citizen’s Responsi
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james covit

It's great, people want to do they want, say they feel, they may went to ivy college, grew up from a rich family.