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Matt Wood
My civilized pleasures include: buy fancy stuff, go to restaurants, travel around world.
- Portland, Oregon
- Joined March 2024
My civilized pleasures include: buy fancy stuff, go to restaurants, travel around world.
Portland, Oregon
My friend said she made hit in the past, because her design got huge attention and she felt it was her true revelation. #Wonderinground #shopping #weirdtalent #lookinggreat #skinproducts #beautyfood #smartpeople #antiaging #isacrificedalot #malegaze #lifeisaparty #conquermen #marriedpeoplenothappy #iearneditmyself
A friend said her products can help other’s mental well being because she’s an expert on beauty food, digestive issues, and can change other’s eating behavior. #beautyfood #antiaging #skinproducts #lookinggreat
Kate Kinsley
A great tip and like it.
Liz Lewis
Love the post, when you achieved something that reflected your true version, you're happy.
Heather Redman
Yes, when you get the best version of yourself out you feel good.