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Sam Nash
I know my audience want and I only produce limited amount of products.
- Chicago, Illinois
- Joined April 2024
I know my audience want and I only produce limited amount of products.
Chicago, Illinois
If you live in a city but have no idea about your community; or you start to date, you find there are many interesting places you can go: live music, local art, bars, cocktails, or Chinese dumplings. #fashionshow #hipsdancing #somethingbohemian #dorightthing #cannotbesilent #mylighthouse #wanderingmuseum #yourcommunity #coolgirlsilhouette #entertainlife
My Heyday: A friend said she’s the one making a big splash in the past; her heyday was when she was a makeup artist, working with famous designer, actor, artist, and people were talking about her, seeing her on the TV, stopping her on street, taking picture with her. #wildparty #beautifulgirl #instantchic #buckmeboots #facemassage #theysuck #spaexperience #somethingbohemian
Ted Douglas
Very interesting post because many people have their heyday, it could be their professional success, creative writing, so this post should let many people feel good and think about their good days.
Liz Lewis
Totally agree.
One guy said he starts to wear fragrance to supermarket, to dinner, to bar, because he thinks it can make a statement and let others smell good from five feet away. My question is: Fragrance and skin scents can let people have a desire for personal connection? #coolandsexy #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #superficialanddumb #increaseintelligent #stupidfun #visualpleasure #eyecontact #wildparty #beautifulgirl #BYOBbeyourownbestie #instantchic #salesgirl #urbanwanderer #spaexperience #shoppingforfun #myneighbor #wildperson #somethingbohemian #isacrificedalot #trappedinmarriage
Brian Lawrence
Yes, I think fragrance and skin scents let many people attract each other and they enjoyed life.
Karl Joyce
Fragrance has many fans, my friend buys them all the time and she's addicted to them.
My friend runs all the places around world and now he’s fluent of several foreign languages. He also experienced exotic cultures: Explosion of color, intense mugginess, omnipresent chaos, tyrannical and paternalistic ways. #tangibleculture #spaexperience #somethingbohemian #wonderinground #shopping #womensbreats #temptationofwomen #marriedpeoplenothappy #lowIQ
Carol Young
Very interesting post an I love it!
Ali Turner
When you travel, you see a world different and you learn a lot.
My neighbor traveled around and used to be a wild person. Since having kids she changed herself; but she still has something bohemian in her, because she drinks, smokes, has kids, but no husband. #myneighbor #wildperson #somethingbohemian #dealwithmen #Westernworldmyth #bodyandbreasts #womenandtheirworth
Liz Lewis
Great story. My friend also has something bohemian, she dated many people and has several kids, but no husband, and she's still optimistic.
Dana Foyle
Love the story. We live in free society and those girls who work hard and enjoy their life and bohemian way of lifestyle is also part of modern society, in where many girls have kids, but on husband. ,
Howard Fisher
It's true many people live in city but know nothing about their community so this post can let them feel there are a lot of things they can try instead of feeling boring.
Donna Sears
When dating people find interesting things they can do so dating is the way of letting people know the community and its interesting places.