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Sam Nash
I know my audience want and I only produce limited amount of products.
- Chicago, Illinois
- Joined April 2024
I know my audience want and I only produce limited amount of products.
Chicago, Illinois
If you live in a city but have no idea about your community; or you start to date, you find there are many interesting places you can go: live music, local art, bars, cocktails, or Chinese dumplings. #fashionshow #hipsdancing #somethingbohemian #dorightthing #cannotbesilent #mylighthouse #wanderingmuseum #yourcommunity #coolgirlsilhouette #entertainlife
A friend said after she had an affair, she left the real world behind, becoming a makeup fan, and reinvented herself. When she moved to a new area, she started to know the beach, outdoorsy lifestyle, the quiet elegance. #controversystuff #feeltrapped #yourcommunity #hairstyle #beautykit #coolgirlsilhouette #entertainlife #lifeisaparty
Scott Tar
Like the post. People sometimes feel bad because the mistake they made, but change location, make new friends and learn about new things could be a choice, and it also can change the mood.
Amy Lynch
When making mistake, the best way is learning from it and reinvent yourself, which could be moving to a new place, start a new life, and have new friends.
Bill Atlanta
If feel trapped in a place move to a new place also can forget the past and start a new life.
Some people said they’re cool girls, and life is a party; when they travel, they carry a beauty kit, but they hate mosquito bites, which leave red bumps, sometime cause large swelling and redness, so their tips are using anti-itch lotions and hydrocortisone creams to deal with the bites. #yourcommunity #hairstyle #beautykit #workinggirl #coolgirlsilhouette #entertainlife #lifeisaparty #sharpedged #dressupgame #fashionway #girlsdrinks #isacrificedalot
Jay Hall
Very useful tips and love it!
Rebecca Houston
Mosquitos let people feel they don't like going some places, so the tips here are helpful.
Damage Control? If your normal life is interrupted; or your business is losing money and you try to control the damage; or your skin getting dry, emotion running high, friends blaming you, boyfriend angry, you should… #dorightthing #yourcommunity #feelstuck #lostenthusiasm #feelhopeless #lostpassion #trappedinmarriage #Westernworldmyth #isacrificedalot #trappedin #lowIQ #hateloverelathionship
Jack Smith
Love the post! Yes, damage control is very important and you can always find solution for it.
Ted Douglas
When one's normal life is interrupted, the important thing is taking action to let life back to normal, so seeking professional help becomes necessary.
Howard Fisher
It's true many people live in city but know nothing about their community so this post can let them feel there are a lot of things they can try instead of feeling boring.
Donna Sears
When dating people find interesting things they can do so dating is the way of letting people know the community and its interesting places.