

Scott Tar

Offer a fresh perspective on enjoying life

  • Philadephia, Pennsylvania
  • Joined September 2023

Scott Tar

A girl said her guy is a law officer, making money, but he’s weird; so when they go out she wants to spend money on clothes, makeup, restaurants, but he’s not happy, because he likes cheap stuff. When she said she wants presents, vacations, buying house, he said they have money issue. #weirdperson #moneyissue #controlling

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Allen Pace

The guy is smart, but the girl has her choice, otherwise she's going to be controlled by the guy.


Sam Nash

A guy said he was a shy person because he has a foreign name, when he started doing something purely on feeling, he became a professional; now he believes in something and becomes a truth seeker. #shyperson #foreigname #prejudice #weirdperson

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Andy Hauser

Very interesting post and like it.


Natalie Fanning

It let me think about my friends, some of them coming from different cultures and they have weird behavior, but they are great because they work hard.


Kate Brown

A friend said she encountered a problem. Since she experienced something strange because she found happiness outside her marriage, she started to think about her loveless life, which made her revisit another place whenever she needed a pick-me-up. #lovelesslife #marriage #weirdperson #divorce #lifelesson #findhappiness

A friend said she en
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Greg Hamilton

A girl said her loveless life let her met a business man, but he's weird, his penchant is throwing his book on table or coughs, for working not well; so she realized he doesn't like to say words, when he gives her a bag, she knows what he wants.