

Bill Atlanta

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  • Joined September 2023

Bill Atlanta

Some people said foreign investors retreat from China because of its human rights abuse, geopolitical tensions, forced labor, and crackdown on Western firms. Others said China’s economy is heading for a lost decade, because of foreign investors’ shift of sentiment, China’s economic coercion, non-market policies and practices, credit market bubbles, and Western countries’ de-risking policy. So here is the question: Could shifting capital to places like India and slowdown in China lower prices for commodities and provide inflation relief? #humanrights #RussiaandChina #democracyandfreedom #USbeatsChina #radicalcommunists #freeChina #communismdies

Some people said for
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Allen Pace

Could be, but China's regime hides a huge bomb, once this bomb is detonated, China will like Russians, Iranians, North Koreans, just whine, and feel hopeless.


Tom Edward

Some Chinese used to believe in strongmen, now they regret, so it’s time to eradicate ignorant and semi-feudal conditions, to improve democratic consciousness.


Lance Clark

Cultural Obsession: A friend said he lived in a place where had strange culture; so he started to be interested in different cultures, which let his cultural obsession deal with darkness, unknowable things. #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #myhero #formerteacher #neversaynever #controversytopics #democracyandfreedom #loveformoney #embarrassingthing #peoplewatching #simplepleasure #conversationseducesex #blabbermouth #unforgettabletrip

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Liz Lewis

Cultural obsession is a great post because people can think and learn a lot.


Heather Redman

Love the post and learned something important in life.