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My favorite cultural hub is where has cobbled streets, alleys, cafes, boutiques.
- Los Angeles, California
- Joined February 2023
My favorite cultural hub is where has cobbled streets, alleys, cafes, boutiques.
Los Angeles, California
Meghan’s feud or drama? Is her feud, mostly, with Kate and King Charles? Are rumors, media coverage, online harassment, racism, and sexism, caused drama? Or people like drama and controversy? #sexism #controversystuff #socializing #prettygirl #enviedbymany #putdownothers #celebritystyle #badmouth #skincolor
Some people said AI can lead to erosion of truth, amplify division, political unrest, gender bias, and false information. True or false? #lieanddishonest #toxicfriendship #dramaticchange #crazybehavior #nastyattitude #tearfulmoments #scaringsituation #fooledby #badmouth #abusepower #datingfatique #evildesire #everyonelies #lowIQ #hateloverelationship
Heather Redman
It can create more lies, division, and dishonest.
Paul Parker
AI can help a lot, but also can have huge challenges.
Emily Hill
Curious girl is adorable, but is easy to be fooled, because there're many bad guys there who want to take advantage of it, not just dating, but all other parts of life.
Kelly Wicks
Agree. A friend said she's curious about many things, helping others, but she encountered cheating, insulting, and bad mouth.
Rebecca Houston
A bit of all: racism, sexism, and drama.
Anderson West