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Go Long
My favorite cultural hub is where has cobbled streets, alleys, cafes, boutiques.
- Los Angeles, California
- Joined February 2023
My favorite cultural hub is where has cobbled streets, alleys, cafes, boutiques.
Los Angeles, California
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: Her friend got divorce, so she adjusted her behavior, became wiser. Y: Really? X: Yes, now she seeing herself through the eyes of her lover. Z: How? X: She said when her lover was stoked seeing her naked, she felt a million bucks. Y & Z: (Laughs.) #divorce #milliondollargirl #angry #jealous #partygirl #luckyandsmart #easylife #enviedbymany #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #lovejustsex
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: She feels she like a caged bird. Y: Caged bird? X: Her beauty concept is a pretty girl with makeup. Z: How? X: Once she walked on the street and someone yelled: “Hey, Blondie!” Y: Really? X: Another time she died her hair. Y: What happened? X: She burned her head. Y & Z: (Laughs.) #prettygirl #easylife #enviedbymany #iearneditmyself #partygirl #findagoodman #fancydress #shoppingforfun #enjoylife
Tom Edward
Go Long
Thanks for like it
Chris Chapmen
Some girls enjoy their caged bird lifestyle; a girl said her friend is still difficult to make a commitment to choose a career, she doesn't want to be tired down, she envies her lifestyle, and said she's lucky.
Tom Edward
Anderson West
She looks a million-dollar girl.
Allen Pace
Girl's behavior, lover's mood, is tricky; one girl said once she went to a party, got home, found her guy locked the door, for her guy thought she was out a lot, he was jealous, angry, so she said she made a mistake when looking for a partner.