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Joseph Clark
Love the products that reflect cultural references, art that celebrates craftsmanship.
- Miami, Florida
- Joined February 2024
Love the products that reflect cultural references, art that celebrates craftsmanship.
Miami, Florida
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A guy said he likes fragrance because it’s smooth allure and scent let people feel intimate and have a desire for personal connection. He said fragrance and skin scents connect to people’s subconscious emotions and to their happy moments. #Qtips #envy #findtruelove #nearlynaked #sexystyle #sellyourself #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #Californiabliss #visitHollywood #winewomensex #conversationseducesex #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #lifeisaparty #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain
A girl said she looks at her favorite pictures on the wall all the time and her trademark image is immortalized in her room, which is an almost naked photo; she also has a collection of costumes, fancy shoes, and has a slogan on her image, which bears words: Never Cry. #modernstyle #minibags #neutralcolor #softmaterials #creativemindset #bestmoment #crazydancing #busigirl #highschoolfriends #beingplayful #crushesanddesire #womensbreasts #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #temptationofwomen #sleepingandsex #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen #lovejustsex #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #isacrificedalot #malegaze #conversationseducesex
Heather Redman
Very interesting and funny.
Ann Hanson
Many girls put their favorite pictures on the wall, they like their life and have their own ways of life, but put a slogan that says: Never cry, is too much.
A girl said she was a normal person before and expected others also be the same; but since she started dating and met a law officer, she worried that her friends, coworkers would know about her affair, her anxiety; so she became not normal, because she felt panic, and her guy also treated her like a hot potato, feeling not safe, about to tumble down. #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #hotpotato #superficialanddumb #stupidfun #rumorsandtension #BibleandGod #visualpleasure #Womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #sleepingandsex #everyonelies #lovejustsex #winewomensex
Ann Hanson
When having an affair and feeling not safe, usually making people not normal and others would know the change, so the best way is stopping it and never try again.
Summer Duff
A normal person also has anxiety, but it's different anxiety, a person has affair and feels anxiety because the future is not sure and if the other part feels that it becomes a hot potato, it gets worse.
A friend said she’s self-employed and her friends are freelancer, designer; she said she used to see her parents rushing to work, imprisoned by relentlessly routine jobs, so she thinks her situation is a luxury lifestyle that many people can’t afforded. #fashionshow #hipsdancing #vacationmood #Hollywoodequivalent #rawpassages #sexualencounters #ashamedthings #lifeisaparty #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain
Ali Turner
Yes, many parents worked like slaves and those who have a good lifestyle should be very happy.
Jan Goodman
So, freelancer is not bad, compared with those who need to rush to work, and imprisoned by their jobs.
My neighbor used to be a beauty parlor, worried about her hair, makeup, dress; she’s a go-getting urbanite, like free-style; she’s busy, just say: Hey, I maybe do my own things; and she doesn’t give a fuck for other’s gaze. #sexism #controversystuff #hairstyle #beautykit #coolgirlsilhouette #entertainlife #lifeisaparty #lowIQ #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #temptationofwomen #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen
Liz Lewis
Love the post! Many girls now feel they can live their own life and they don't have to worry about anything and they can be free any time.
Summer Duff
Yes, girls should be free from doing their own things and they are really cool and creative.
My friend said she wants to send a birthday wish to her friend, to her family member, and also to her former lover, who is a law officer. She said she wants to renew her passion, to find her happiness, get rid of her dead-end life, and impress her crush. #datinggame #fateandluck #superficialanddumb #increaseintelligent #smalltownsincerity #theysuck #trappedin #lowIQ #yourworth #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #conquermen #Westernworldmyth #everyonelies #lovelesslife
Matt Wood
That's right, renew your passion and get your happiness back.
Steve Spencer
How to get rid of one's dead-end life is still a challenge for many people.
A friend said she worked hard and achieved success. She said she’s the one easy to get things done, but she also forgets others; so she wants to make time for her lost life, her important things in life: dating, traveling, marriage, kids, family. #purposeoflife #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #lovelesslife #isacrificedalot #trappedin #lifeisshort
Katie Roberts
Many career women pay price for achieving something and they really need to start their real life.
Steve Spencer
It's true career women suffer a lot for their success, and many professionals feel they are in wrong business, or work many years as part-time employees, they suffer the most, so maybe it's the time to change.
Real life, intimate journey, and your body is more important than your brain? Some people said they waited long time and realize they must start their real life. Others said their intimate journey made them feel renewed, energetic, for their girlfriends made them feel their body is more important than their brain. Is that true? #reallife #intimatejourney #yourbody #yourbrain #dating #feelrenewed #yourgirlfriend #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain
Anderson West
Body is more important.
james covit
Many people worked hard to get the position they have, they're fighters, battle for their places, but use mostly their brain, now they regret, want to catch up.
Tom Edward
It’s true, my friend is fallen for his mistake, when he regained his spot, he realized he needs his real life, and thinks dating is more important than career.
Scott Tar
Many people know Las Vegas style: fast cars, luxury homes, drunk on love, or a jet-set lifestyle; but there're also many people sit in offices, using their brain, once they discover the real life's feeling, they addicted.
Allen Pace
One guy used to be exhausted, didn't want to talk to others, feeling like moving into a cave; but his life changed, because of dating, now he said he feels good, and body is important.
Edith Campbell
Interesting topic, and body is more important than brain, especially for those just discovered this secret.
Heather Redman
It's true body is more important than brain, but many people still not understand it, they work their whole life for something that finally they regret.
Tim Swann
Very funny, but important message, because we do see many people changed their lifestyle, not only work, instead, they said body is more important than brain, because they stay with their loved ones all the time now.
(People talk about different things in bar, party or lunch meeting. They are X, Y and Z. Below is their chat.) X: He worked for a girl-boss and his girl-boss was sexy, flirty. Y: Really? X: Yep, and he sometimes got distracted. Z: How? X: Since his girl-boss demanded a lot, he needed to work till later evening. Y: Wow. X: When he got fired, he thinks he was wrongly fired. Y & Z: (Laughs.) #collectivementality #wronglyfired #sexyboss #charmingpersonality #bodyandbreasks #lifeisaparty #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #temptationofwomen #sleepingandsex #conquerman #dreamfrivolous #senseofawareness #moveautomatically
Bill Atlanta
May be wrongly fired
Scott Tar
Some jobs need collective mentality, need support, so people can get confidence, ideas, and energy, but with a girl-boss, or a sexy, flirty boss, people do get wrong signals.
Anderson West
Working with a girl-boss do get wrong signals, when she’s sexy, flirty, asking other questions, many men think something else.
Elizabeth Le Glaire
Very interesting.
Ann Hanson
Fragrance and its scent do let people feel intimate and therefor let their subconscious emotions be active.
Will Grant
Fragrance has its power to connect to people's subconscious emotions and many people addicted to it.