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Joseph Clark
Love the products that reflect cultural references, art that celebrates craftsmanship.
- Miami, Florida
- Joined February 2024
Love the products that reflect cultural references, art that celebrates craftsmanship.
Miami, Florida
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A guy said he likes fragrance because it’s smooth allure and scent let people feel intimate and have a desire for personal connection. He said fragrance and skin scents connect to people’s subconscious emotions and to their happy moments. #Qtips #envy #findtruelove #nearlynaked #sexystyle #sellyourself #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #Californiabliss #visitHollywood #winewomensex #conversationseducesex #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #lifeisaparty #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain
My neighbor is a obsessive girl, she wandering museum, likes man of clout, for their hard earned experience; she said she had an one-night-affair with a man, and went for her beauty treatment, which let her experience both trauma and cute, for she likes body-sculpting, fat-freezing, skin-vacuuming. #onenightaffair #obsessivegirl #wanderingmuseum #manofclout #hardearnedexperience #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #marriedpeoplenothappy
John Austin
A friend also like this, she has daddy complex, she said she has dated several old men.
Tim Swann
Young girl likes old man is normal and we should not treat it like something weird.
A friend said he worked hard and met a working girl. When they talk about their future, he thinks he has enough money to buy a house but broker fees, closing costs, high interests, and soaring price make them can’t afford, so he’s not happy again. #workinggirl #coolgirlsilhouette #datinganddrinking #intimatejourney #femininelifeforce #isacrificedalot #lifeisshort #crazyinlove
Jay Hall
Living costs in big city are so high, and buying a house there even make people think it's an impossible thing, so how to solve the problem?
Heather Redman
Agree, living in big city is very expensive, paying rent, food, almost let many people's paycheck gone, so buying a house is a very difficult thing.
A guy said he likes a goddess body, a sculpted physique; his favorite hangout is a grungy punk club; when he travels he likes an American road trip food: a pile of cheese fries, together with to-die-for cocktails. #Westernworld #feelyoungagain #romanticdating #possessive #womensbreasts #notwaitforever #itsmetime #travelandhiddengems #foodlover #MiddleEastcuisine #Mediterraneafood #culturalfix #crazyinlove #lifeisaparty #temptationofwomen #winewomensex
Ann Hanson
Interesting and cool.
Matt Wood
Love the post.
A guy said he used to be a silly sports fan and interested in many other things; since he started his Business, now it’s booming because of his silly ideas; so he said people should not be judged by their look and silly ideas. #weirdbehavior #blackhumor #popculture #businessandcustomers #bluezandjazz #barculture #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #temptationofwomen
Brian Lawrence
Silly ideas maybe get you to a place where has a new world.
Andrew Christy
Love the post and my friend also has some silly ideas and may of them are great.
At party there was a girl who didn’t just look pretty, also kicks butt, likes a girl-on-girl hookup; she said she’s vulnerable, but her embarrassed behavior let her feel a mission accomplished, a want to be a real-life gay. #nearlynaked #Hollywoodequivalent #bikiniandcocktails #envy #anotherlife #dressupforlover #sleepingandsex #liveinbighouses #sexualscenes #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen #conversationseducesex
Bill Atlanta
Very interesting post!
Peter Price
So the girl is cool?
Hosting Skills: My friend learned her hosting skills from her mother; she said her parents were very general, and always had many friends coming to their house; so her hosting skills are being kind to everyone, well dressed up, do makeup, offering her best to her guests. #familytradition #healthfood #perfectcouple #mylighthouse #preparedinner #feelrenewed #yourbrain #goodtiming #livelonger #crazyinlove #trappedinmarriage #conquermen
Katie Roberts
Love the post! It seems hosting skill has to do with family tradition and those girls learned skills are lucky.
Shannon Benard
Very interesting topic and girls can learn a lot.
Keep On: My friend said he learned his skills gradually, at school, at home; now he wants to share his learning process: he learned each skill on a need-to-know basis, his secret of success is to keep on practicing, improving his skills daily. #passion #protectenvironment #moneyissues #controlling #amazingguy #healthyfood #hotpotato #BibleandGod #trappedin #lowIQ #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #temptationofwomen #Westernworldmyth
Amy Lynch
That's right, keep on!
Andrew Christy
Skills learned on daily and need-to-know basis, which is very true.
People sometimes say silly things, making stupid jokes, but other times seem to offer support, advice; but what if one says: I speak from the heart, do what I like, even it’s crazy and radical? #luckyandsmart #worththeprice #successandfear #machismo #lieanddishonest #makingmoney #loverandfamily #razyandreal #romanticpeople #toxicfriendship #lowselfesteem #youignoreit #trappedin #lowIQ #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #yourworth #temptationofwomen #sleepingandsex #marriedpeoplenothappy
Kate Brown
Crazy and radical are different from those who said they speak from the heart and do what they like, so people need to see what are in their craziness.
Joseph Clark
Agree. crazy and radical could be judged by different people with different views, so need to be careful.
My friend is a weird talent, she likes singing, performing and acting; she also liked stunts. Once she building herself bigger boobs, putting on large-cup bras, with a deep V-neck cleavage and went to a restaurant; now waiter at her table lingering long after taking her order, a friend started hitting on her, thus making her friendship weird forever after. #weirdtalent #singing #performing #acting #beautyfood #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #lifeisaparty #marriedpeoplenothappy #temptationofwomen #conquermen
Greg Hamilton
Love the post! Weird talent let people feel life is interesting and rich.
Jack Smith
Very funny! My friend also like stunts and she always let others have fun.
Feel excited, crazy-in-love, and… if you and your partner are truly right for each other? Some people said when they met their partners, they had crazy-in-love feeling, so they speak on the phone for hours, talking about marriage, and endured unbearable long time until seeing their partner again. One girl said she also had this falling in love feeling, but she asked herself if the chemistry between she and her guy is normal because he is a married man. After a while she said goodbye to the guy and feels their break-up is painless, with minimal regrets. Your story? #crazyinlove #marriage #fallinlove #loveformoney #breakup #yourregret #relationships #datingboss #drawntomeone #sexydress #trappedin #secretlover #lessonlearned
james covit
Falling in love feeling can also cause deep pain; one girl said she used to be optimistic, but now try to hide her pain, caused by her relationship with her boss; so she should stop seeing her boss?
Bill Atlanta
Some people think it's easy, just quit, but many people in this kind of situation feel a dilemma, just like those who don't know how to pack their stuff into their suitcases when traveling.
Tom Edward
You meet someone and want to draw her in closer, it’s normal, so a girl wears sexy dress, draws her boss, it also happens, the question is people should let it runs from draw someone to wild.
Scott Tar
One girl worked together with a designer and falling in love with him; but she said now she was lucky and grateful for having that opportunity, for being where she's today.
Anderson West
Falling in love sometimes falling for something, girls say they falling in love for many reasons, only others know better.
See-through dress, show off body, and… nearly naked? Some girls said their sexy style choice is wearing see-through dress, showing off their body. Others said those girls who want to show off a woman’s body and seek sheer silhouette are tasteless, because they think it’s an art of fashion, but they are nearly naked, desperate and embarrassing. Is it true? #seethroughdress #showoffbody #nearlynaked #sexystyle #sellyourself #sexydress #yourworth #crazyinlove #crazydancing
Tom Edward
Some girls wear see-through dress, show off their body, they not equal tasteless, they want to sell themselves, just look at other industry, some people learned tricks to sell their stuff, others ask people if they want to eat something, to buy something.
Bill Atlanta
Elizabeth Le Glaire
It’s sell themselves.
Anderson West
See-through dress has its power; a girl said her sexy dress means the less wear, the better; once received her designed dress, she found it’s a translucent sexy dress, which shows her charm.
Ann Hanson
Fragrance and its scent do let people feel intimate and therefor let their subconscious emotions be active.
Will Grant
Fragrance has its power to connect to people's subconscious emotions and many people addicted to it.