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Will Cohen
Sometimes my behavior is criticized by others, because I would do anything reasonable to get more attention.
- Denver, Colorado
- Joined March 2024
Sometimes my behavior is criticized by others, because I would do anything reasonable to get more attention.
Denver, Colorado
At party there was a girl who didn’t just look pretty, also kicks butt, likes a girl-on-girl hookup; she said she’s vulnerable, but her embarrassed behavior let her feel a mission accomplished, a want to be a real-life gay. #nearlynaked #Hollywoodequivalent #bikiniandcocktails #envy #anotherlife #dressupforlover #sleepingandsex #liveinbighouses #sexualscenes #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen #conversationseducesex
A friend said now it seems everything is unpredictable, except her phone. She said she can’t afford expensive stuff, no money, except her phone: Because she can total control it, she can hold it and look at it. #envyothers #liveinbighouses #fancybags #yourregret
Alex Day
Living is expensive and unpredictable. A guy felt he was born to the wrong family, for he had no fun, no friends. When he went to a party, decided to dance, but when party was over, girls went with others, he was left behind.
Meg Cox
Agree, living becoming more and more expensive! A friend said she envied those rich girls, for they lived in big houses, carried fancy bags. When started dating, she modified her part, made up some things, now she regretted.
Anderson West
Living is expensive and life is unpredictable.
Bill Atlanta
Very interesting post!
Peter Price
So the girl is cool?