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Kelly Wicks
If you want to get a perfect look, your first halfway there is to buy cool stuff, and your next things are changing your habits, behavior.
- Columbus, Alabama
- Joined October 2023
If you want to get a perfect look, your first halfway there is to buy cool stuff, and your next things are changing your habits, behavior.
Columbus, Alabama
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One guy said he starts to wear fragrance to supermarket, to dinner, to bar, because he thinks it can make a statement and let others smell good from five feet away. My question is: Fragrance and skin scents can let people have a desire for personal connection? #coolandsexy #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #superficialanddumb #increaseintelligent #stupidfun #visualpleasure #eyecontact #wildparty #beautifulgirl #BYOBbeyourownbestie #instantchic #salesgirl #urbanwanderer #spaexperience #shoppingforfun #myneighbor #wildperson #somethingbohemian #isacrificedalot #trappedinmarriage
My friend’s product has a unique appeal, which is a neon-type business. She’s in a laid-back town, where has a boat trip attraction, a mom-and-pop store, a by water hideout, and a kids-run free place; so, her creation has many loyal customers. #rightdecision #visualpleasure #smalltownsincerity #eyecontact #instantchic #simplelife #facemassage #tangibleculture #spaexperience #lifelikeart
Dana Foyle
A very cool post and love it.
Jan Goodman
Interesting and cool.
Brian Lawrence
Yes, I think fragrance and skin scents let many people attract each other and they enjoyed life.
Karl Joyce
Fragrance has many fans, my friend buys them all the time and she's addicted to them.