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Natalie Fanning
I start to enjoy life and have a list of things I want to buy and try.
- Austin, Texas
- Joined March 2024
I start to enjoy life and have a list of things I want to buy and try.
Austin, Texas
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A guy said he worked hard for his present place; he also likes to make a joke, to social with different people; but he said he’s tired of being the person people perceive and wants to try something different. #politicalpolarization #culturewar #socializing #prettygirl #luckyandsmart #expressyourself #richpeople #spendmoney #workplaceculture #putdownothers #isacrificedalot #Westernworldmyth
My friend said she used to be poor and didn’t have money; now her business is booming and money is not a problem, so she goes dance class, yoga class, socializing, and thinks giving back was her family tradition and she doesn’t need a fat wallet. #lifechange #followyourfeeling #dreamcometrue #danceclass #yogaclass #socializing
Brian Lawrence
A great post and like it. When the girl changed herself and from poor becoming rich the beautiful thing is that she still tries to help others, which is something many people should think about.
Summer Duff
Totally agree because it's not easy for those who become rich and still think about their past and be nice to others.
Neil Holland
The girl knows how to help others, which is great.
Mosquito bites, red bumps, and itchy. Some people said they wash the mosquito bite with warm soapy water or ice cubes to deal with red, bumpy marks. So the question is: Should they seek medical help if swelling is persistent? #nextdoorgirl #socializing #feelbad #itoldyouso #thingsjusthappened #healthyliving
Howard Fisher
Thanks for the tip. So warm soapy water and ice cubes can deal with red bumps and itchy, which is great.
Mark William
Agree. A great tip for those who feel bad after getting mosquito bites and have red bumps and don't know how to deal with them.
A girl said she goes to dance class, yoga class, and exercise at gym. She also said she’s the one always searching for inspirations, because she’s tired of same design, color, style, and her products reflect the past, but also modern. #danceclass #yogaclass #exerciseandgym #socializing #enjoylife
Natalie Fanning
Like the post. People get inspiration by going different places, parties, socializing, and go to dance class, yoga class, can let them discover something new, which is good for business.
Karl Joyce
Agree. Inspiration is part of the life, so socializing can let people find things they can't find when they work and live their own life, so they might say: they got some idea by talking to someone at party, lunch time.
A girl said she had a bad day because she met a rude stranger; when her boyfriend left her, she felt she would never find another love, but not so! Because she started spending money, socializing, bought stylish clothes, fancy shoes, makeup, and she had a new boyfriend. #spendmoney #socializing #fancyshoes #glamourgirl
Dana Foyle
Everyone had bad day, had relationship problem, and the girl handled them well by arm herself, by being stronger.
Jacob Stone
Agree. When having a bad day, relationship challenge, the best way is being cool, solving the problem, instead of complaining.
A girl said she liked to go to dance, yoga classes, and also to die her hair, so she experienced different colors. She died her hair to blond, green, pink, walked on the street, and someone yell “Hey, Blondie”; but once she died her hair she burned her head. #danceclass #yogaclass #exerciseandgym #socializing #prettygirl #enviedbymany #enjoylife #cookingclass #conquermen
Emily Hill
Very funny, the girl seems really enjoying life.
Greg Hamilton
Love the post and it's interesting and funny.
Your charm, flirt around, and… dream “frivolous”? Some girls said they can disarm the waiter with their charm, flirt around at boutiques and they dream frivolous. One girl said she goes to gym a lot and her body is on the billboard, she said her boyfriend is not great, but she can always go back to. Another girl said she’s always distracted by beautiful clothes on the streets. Your story? #yourcharm #flirtaround #dreamfrivolous #sexygirl #foreveryoung #bikiniandcocktails #lieandbetray #marriedpeoplenothappy #socializing #bardancing #conquerman #manslust #milliondollargirl #superbuyer #elitegroup #peoplebygroups
james covit
Interesting topic.
Allen Pace
Some girls used to not know what to do with their life, but they have their charm, they flirt around, distracted by clothes on the streets, their frivolous created something people admire, and they become actress.,
Tom Edward
One girl said she felt lucky for not choose a major, when she flirt around, she learned how to take a picture, when choosing what to wear, she realized she can let people have a sense of themselves, so she becomes a stylist.
Rebecca Houston
People are polarized and they don't know if they can be themselves, which is bad because we have a culture war there.
Andrew Christy
Political polarization and culture war is a big problem now and we all need to be alert.