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Natalie Fanning
I start to enjoy life and have a list of things I want to buy and try.
- Austin, Texas
- Joined March 2024
I start to enjoy life and have a list of things I want to buy and try.
Austin, Texas
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A guy said he worked hard for his present place; he also likes to make a joke, to social with different people; but he said he’s tired of being the person people perceive and wants to try something different. #politicalpolarization #culturewar #socializing #prettygirl #luckyandsmart #expressyourself #richpeople #spendmoney #workplaceculture #putdownothers #isacrificedalot #Westernworldmyth
A girl said she had a bad day because she met a rude stranger; when her boyfriend left her, she felt she would never find another love, but not so! Because she started spending money, socializing, bought stylish clothes, fancy shoes, makeup, and she had a new boyfriend. #spendmoney #socializing #fancyshoes #glamourgirl
Dana Foyle
Everyone had bad day, had relationship problem, and the girl handled them well by arm herself, by being stronger.
Jacob Stone
Agree. When having a bad day, relationship challenge, the best way is being cool, solving the problem, instead of complaining.
A friend said she ‘s busy every day and feels time running fast. She starts to slow down now, which gives her sometime for herself: a cocktail, a smile, a backyard girl’s thing. “Just like a candle’s slow time burning,” she said. #busygirl #lifeisshort #cookingclass #spendmoney #trappedinjob #workplaceculture #getpromotion #beingfired #hateloverelationship
Dana Foyle
Many people feel time running fast and want to do something for themselves, so a cocktail, a backyard girl's thing become trending because work hard to get promotion is one thing but life is short is another thing.
Jan Goodman
Another thing is many people trapped in their job, they can't leave their job, and they have a hate-love-relationship because they feel they waist their time, just work for money, not for their passion.
A girl said she’s creative, she always thinks about possibilities. Since her friends are rich, she wants to work with them for her project. Her secret is that she knows some executives like young girls, and they want to have them around, to burn money, and she wants them to burn money on her stuff. #prettygirls #richpeople #spendmoney #girlsadvantages
Brian Lawrence
Girls have advantages in terms of getting close to rich people, because they can sell heir beauty, young age, and so called smartness. When rich people encounter them, they think about how to keep those young and pretty girls around, so they start to spend money, or burn money.
Alex Day
Those are smart girls and they always get what they want because rich people need them, for many reasons, entertainment, keel time, show how great they are, and of course, spend a lot of money.
Anderson West
So young and pretty girls are smart than most people, is that right?
Rebecca Houston
People are polarized and they don't know if they can be themselves, which is bad because we have a culture war there.
Andrew Christy
Political polarization and culture war is a big problem now and we all need to be alert.