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Scott Tar
Offer a fresh perspective on enjoying life
- Philadephia, Pennsylvania
- Joined September 2023
Offer a fresh perspective on enjoying life
Philadephia, Pennsylvania
My friend is an old dad because he has a new baby. He said if he’d had a child earlier, he would have been a lousy father because he would have misplaced his attention on his career. He also said he doesn’t want to deny another woman being a mother, so he’s not a selfish man, not hypocrisy, because a woman’s biological clock is also a difficult thing to deal with. #lousyfather #selfishman #hypocrisy #biologicalclock #catchuplosttime #oldmanandyounggirl
Bill Atlanta
Seems right.
Go Long
My friend said he was busy for his job and didn't have time for himself; now he thinks he's old, when start dating, he going out for dinner, shopping, tries to catch up his lost time.
Anderson West
Many people try to catch up lost time.
Allen Pace
Old man and young girl seems tranding now because each can help other..
Scott Tar
Old man and younger woman is not a new thing, plus it's free society.