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Summer Duff
I go out with my friends on Friday night and get drunk sometimes, which let me have sleepless nights, but I still pursue my dream.
- Jacksonville, Florida
- Joined November 2023
I go out with my friends on Friday night and get drunk sometimes, which let me have sleepless nights, but I still pursue my dream.
Jacksonville, Florida
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My neighbor is humorous, she said when she met a guy she liked, she started to get anxiety; before heading out for the night, she got her sexual mind-set ready: her outfit, manicure, matching underwear, till her pleasure, legendary moment. #firtnightout #sexualmindset #anxiety #sleepingtogether #legendarymoment
A girl said her friend got married and she still works hard for her dream; but her instinctive desire is to date, have a family, so she said achieving her dream is very difficult, now she wants stylish clothes, fancy shoes, luxury stuff, just like everyone does. #chasingdream #careerwomen #anxiety #depression #modernsociety #feelstressful #beingsingle
Will Cohen
Chasing dream is not easy, it needs working hard, persistence and sacrifice, so the girl decides to start her real life, dating, having a family, buying stylish clothes, fancy shoes, just like everyone else, is understandable.
Anderson West
Yes, chasing dream is hard, because it needs to work hard for a long time and many times that dream is illusive, so people finally choose to live a normal life, which is dating, having family, and being a normal person, just like everyone else.
Will Grant
Funny! A girl said she's conservative, but when she met a man she likes, she's also getting anxiety, even sleeping together for the first night out.
Jenny Webb
For some girls conservative doesn't mean old fashion, so when they meet the right men, they just do the men want, so first night out and sleep together is common.