

Summer Duff

I go out with my friends on Friday night and get drunk sometimes, which let me have sleepless nights, but I still pursue my dream.

  • Jacksonville, Florida
  • Joined November 2023

Summer Duff

My neighbor is humorous, she said when she met a guy she liked, she started to get anxiety; before heading out for the night, she got her sexual mind-set ready: her outfit, manicure, matching underwear, till her pleasure, legendary moment. #firtnightout #sexualmindset #anxiety #sleepingtogether #legendarymoment

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Will Grant

Funny! A girl said she's conservative, but when she met a man she likes, she's also getting anxiety, even sleeping together for the first night out.


Jacob Stone

A girl said her friend got married and she still works hard for her dream; but her instinctive desire is to date, have a family, so she said achieving her dream is very difficult, now she wants stylish clothes, fancy shoes, luxury stuff, just like everyone does. #chasingdream #careerwomen #anxiety #depression #modernsociety #feelstressful #beingsingle

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Will Cohen

Chasing dream is not easy, it needs working hard, persistence and sacrifice, so the girl decides to start her real life, dating, having a family, buying stylish clothes, fancy shoes, just like everyone else, is understandable.


Amy Lynch

Eating disorders, mental & physical problems, and… eat to make others happy? Some people said their eating behaviors is driven by eating to make others happy; others said eating disorders cause mental and physical problems, especially for younger ages. So the questions are: If eating disorders cause many problems, including anxiety, depression, why it thrives in secret in social parties? #eatingbehavior #nothappy #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #controlyourself

Eating disorders, me
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Ali Turner

Eating behavior and disorders let many young people have anxiety, depression, especially for those who live in large bodies.


Jack Smith

Social parties do let many young people feel they have to eat to make others happy, but there're other causes that make them develop chronic eating behaviors and self-harm activities.


Brian Lawrence

Some people said they have cold fingers and toes, which might relate to their health issues, such as having fewer red blood cells and diabetes. Others said hands and feet have smaller blood vessels, which have less blood flowing to keep them warm. So, what should people do? #anxiety #depression #loseweight #healthyliving #feelhungry #feelstressful #nothappy #feellonely

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Carol Young

Cold fingers and toes also related to age, lose weight, so it's important to get advice from doctor.


Daniel Frick

Some people said they work hard for career, for money, but they also feel exhausted. Others said they motivate themselves to get promotion and their future success, but they encounter dilemma: they don't know if can get there and they feel they waited for years, have anxiety, burnout, and could face layoffs. #getpromotion #anxiety #burnout #wrongbusiness #trappedinjob

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Terry Martin

Many people worked hard for their career but ended up feeling not reworded, because career is very tricky, and people could feel they're in wrong business,


Mark William

Some people say they are stressed at work, because they are emotionally detached at work and consider quitting their job for their well-being. Others said their cumulative stress leads to burnout and they want more joy, less stress. I also encountered those situations and my way is: take short breaks when feel stressed, so I can recharge, increase the mood and improve productivity. #feelstressful #feelburnout #fitnessroutine #eatingbehavior #anxiety #depression #loseweight #healthyliving #feelhungry #beinglazy #worklikeslave #whymustilivelikethis? #wrongbusiness

Some people say they
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Jay Hall

My friend's job is by contract, he needs to go different places and countries to get the job done. He feels stressful, and very tired, but his hustle and bustle let him learn a foreign language.


Go Long

Living alone, anxiety, and… loneliness? Some people said they have anxiety and feel lonely because of living alone and they feel ashamed to reach out. Others said living on your own has its advantages such as freeing in many ways, but it has its disadvantages also, such as feeling difficult on deal with time, struggling for simple things. So, here are the questions: Is anxiety and loneliness a mental health issue? Is dealing with time a problem only for those living alone? Is reaching out for help very difficult? #anxiety #feellonely #mentalhealth #peoplebygroups #familytradition #feedpoor #ecoliving #changeyourself

Living alone, anxiet
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Tom Edward

Loneliness is everywhere