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Kate Kinsley
Beauty concept is so subjective; so, it’s better just to be your own skin.
- Philadephia, Pennsylvania
- Joined May 2024
Beauty concept is so subjective; so, it’s better just to be your own skin.
Philadephia, Pennsylvania
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My neighbor said she starts to enjoy life, goes out with friends; she likes to wear makeup, fancy clothes, high-heels, drink in bar, talk to others; she also walks on street, embraces evening breezes, and feels life is great. #notwaitforever #itsmetime #foodlover #MiddleEastencuisine #Mediterraneafood #culturalfix #trappedinmarriage #yourcharm
A girl said she was a normal person before and expected others also be the same; but since she started dating and met a law officer, she worried that her friends, coworkers would know about her affair, her anxiety; so she became not normal, because she felt panic, and her guy also treated her like a hot potato, feeling not safe, about to tumble down. #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #hotpotato #superficialanddumb #stupidfun #rumorsandtension #BibleandGod #visualpleasure #Womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #sleepingandsex #everyonelies #lovejustsex #winewomensex
Ann Hanson
When having an affair and feeling not safe, usually making people not normal and others would know the change, so the best way is stopping it and never try again.
Summer Duff
A normal person also has anxiety, but it's different anxiety, a person has affair and feels anxiety because the future is not sure and if the other part feels that it becomes a hot potato, it gets worse.
A friend said she’s a fashion fan and wants to enjoy life. She said she met her lover when she was young and when started to socialize, she learned a lot. So she asked questions: Do people get married only for sex and making little human being? Do they still have sex life after having kids? #nearlynaked #sexystyle #sellyourself #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #Californiabliss #visitHollywood #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #lifeisaparty
Will Grant
Very interesting post and questions, but many people encountered the same situation and said the same thing, such as when they were young and didn't know a lot, and some of them decided to life the life they like.
Summer Duff
Many people met their lovers when they were young and a lot of them learned life is not just sex and making kids.
Some girls said they know how to have an effortless cool and a polished style because they are fashionable people and know how to shop for clothes on the high street. Others said their closet secret is having true classic coats, mini dresses, knit skirts, and fantastic shoes, because they think a pair of shoes can be the make or break of an outfit. #visualpleasure #beautifulgirl #fuckmeboots #facemassage #urbanwanderer #spaexperience #shoppingforfun #myneighbor #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage
Duncan Berry
Very cool post and love it!
Daniel Frick
Love fashion girls and they're really cool.
My friend’s dream is to become a luxury designer, even though he’s in the service industry, so his starting point is to work hard, making sure his customers are happy, because he realized that if he wants others to respect him as a designer, he should first stop his own disrespectful way. #wonderinground #shopping #sensitiveperson #weirdtalent #equalrights #ecoliving #citizensresponsibility #skinproducts #antiaging #biking #feelyoungagain #trappedinmarriage
Alex Day
Great post! Yes, to let others to respect you, you need to stop your own disrespectful way.
Rebecca Houston
Love the post.
Will never? Some people said they will never buy expensive makeup, do yoga, because they hate them, but now they buy fancy makeup, do exercise, and are addicted to their yoga class. #envyothers #boldmakeup #stayingyoung #getpregnant #shoppingexperience #dreamhouse #trappedinmarriage #conquermen
Pat Davis
So, best way is never say never.
Karl Joyce
Many girls said they will never get married and have kids, but they got married and have several kids.
One guy said he starts to wear fragrance to supermarket, to dinner, to bar, because he thinks it can make a statement and let others smell good from five feet away. My question is: Fragrance and skin scents can let people have a desire for personal connection? #coolandsexy #datinggame #livethemoment #fateandluck #superficialanddumb #increaseintelligent #stupidfun #visualpleasure #eyecontact #wildparty #beautifulgirl #BYOBbeyourownbestie #instantchic #salesgirl #urbanwanderer #spaexperience #shoppingforfun #myneighbor #wildperson #somethingbohemian #isacrificedalot #trappedinmarriage
Brian Lawrence
Yes, I think fragrance and skin scents let many people attract each other and they enjoyed life.
Karl Joyce
Fragrance has many fans, my friend buys them all the time and she's addicted to them.
Some girls say they like window shopping and relax on the side of street; they also said when driving home they enjoy people-watching; at weekend, they look for interesting place to go: a colorful market, busy street, restaurant with courtyard, where they drink wine, eat food, people-watching. #busigirl #minibags #neutralcolor #softmaterials #creativemindset #vegetarianfood #modernstyle #bestmoment #beingplayful #tastydishes #differendcultures #isacrificedalot #trappedinmarriage #conquermen
Peter Price
Cool post! Window shopping, people watching, drinking wine, that's real life.
Shannon Benard
Yes, modern life needs enjoying after working, so window shopping, people watching and drinking wine become fun.
A guy said he used to be a silly sports fan and interested in many other things; since he started his Business, now it’s booming because of his silly ideas; so he said people should not be judged by their look and silly ideas. #weirdbehavior #blackhumor #popculture #businessandcustomers #bluezandjazz #barculture #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #temptationofwomen
Brian Lawrence
Silly ideas maybe get you to a place where has a new world.
Andrew Christy
Love the post and my friend also has some silly ideas and may of them are great.
Some people said they have slow metabolism and they dislike themselves, because they feel lethargic, even they having a good sleep. One girl said she got weight, even she eat less, diet; so, maybe it’s time for changing themselves, so they can get their charm back. #exercise #nottalk #senseofurgency #foodchoices #emotionlesspeople #modyparents #loneliness #trappedinmarriage #yourworth
Peter Price
When you feel no energy, don't want to do anything, it's time to change yourself.
Lance Clark
Yes, when you feel not interested in anything it's time to change and get your charm back.
Shannon Benard
When eat less, diet, and still get weight, need to see doctor.
Hosting Skills: My friend learned her hosting skills from her mother; she said her parents were very general, and always had many friends coming to their house; so her hosting skills are being kind to everyone, well dressed up, do makeup, offering her best to her guests. #familytradition #healthfood #perfectcouple #mylighthouse #preparedinner #feelrenewed #yourbrain #goodtiming #livelonger #crazyinlove #trappedinmarriage #conquermen
Katie Roberts
Love the post! It seems hosting skill has to do with family tradition and those girls learned skills are lucky.
Shannon Benard
Very interesting topic and girls can learn a lot.
When seeing some individuals who spread false information, use aggressive tactics to harm others people say they can't be silent, they feel rage, because those individuals are religious beliefs, radical zealots, but people also need to understand that there are bad law officers there, who violated the law. #cannotbesilent #rage #stereotypes #freespeech #revenge #jealousyandfighting #feelpanic #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #Westernworldmyth #lowIQ
Lance Clark
Radical zealots needed to be stop and false information is harmful for society.
Andrew Christy
Bad law officers are the ones let those bad things happen.
My friend is a sales girl, she said her beauty concept is a pretty girl with makeup, wearing fashion clothes, buying chic stuff. Sometimes she also preserves whatever she has, and her iconic beauty is Frida Kahlo, who has an un-eyebrow. #salesgirl #sacemassage #beautytips #shoestyles #bohemianstyle #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #temptationofwomen
Lance Clark
Very interesting, and Frida Kahlo who has an un-eyebrow is also unique.
Lisa Daniel
Love the post!
Keep On: My friend said he learned his skills gradually, at school, at home; now he wants to share his learning process: he learned each skill on a need-to-know basis, his secret of success is to keep on practicing, improving his skills daily. #passion #protectenvironment #moneyissues #controlling #amazingguy #healthyfood #hotpotato #BibleandGod #trappedin #lowIQ #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #temptationofwomen #Westernworldmyth
Amy Lynch
That's right, keep on!
Andrew Christy
Skills learned on daily and need-to-know basis, which is very true.
People sometimes say silly things, making stupid jokes, but other times seem to offer support, advice; but what if one says: I speak from the heart, do what I like, even it’s crazy and radical? #luckyandsmart #worththeprice #successandfear #machismo #lieanddishonest #makingmoney #loverandfamily #razyandreal #romanticpeople #toxicfriendship #lowselfesteem #youignoreit #trappedin #lowIQ #womensbreasts #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #yourworth #temptationofwomen #sleepingandsex #marriedpeoplenothappy
Kate Brown
Crazy and radical are different from those who said they speak from the heart and do what they like, so people need to see what are in their craziness.
Joseph Clark
Agree. crazy and radical could be judged by different people with different views, so need to be careful.
Damage Control? If your normal life is interrupted; or your business is losing money and you try to control the damage; or your skin getting dry, emotion running high, friends blaming you, boyfriend angry, you should… #dorightthing #yourcommunity #feelstuck #lostenthusiasm #feelhopeless #lostpassion #trappedinmarriage #Westernworldmyth #isacrificedalot #trappedin #lowIQ #hateloverelathionship
Jack Smith
Love the post! Yes, damage control is very important and you can always find solution for it.
Ted Douglas
When one's normal life is interrupted, the important thing is taking action to let life back to normal, so seeking professional help becomes necessary.
Hope Dye
Like the post. Yes, instead of complaining about how to stuck in a situation, go out to enjoy life is the best way to forget those unhappy things, so this post is great.
Alex Day
Agree. Many people said they don't have energy, don't feel good, but they stay lazy, not do something interesting, so go out with friends, talk to others, walk on street, could be a way of changing their feeling.