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Natalie Fanning
I start to enjoy life and have a list of things I want to buy and try.
- Austin, Texas
- Joined March 2024
I start to enjoy life and have a list of things I want to buy and try.
Austin, Texas
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Will never? Some people said they will never buy expensive makeup, do yoga, because they hate them, but now they buy fancy makeup, do exercise, and are addicted to their yoga class. #envyothers #boldmakeup #stayingyoung #getpregnant #shoppingexperience #dreamhouse #trappedinmarriage #conquermen
So Thrilled: My friend said she felt so thrilled in her stylish moments and experience because she wearing stylish clothes, shoes, went to a fashion show, where seemed a fantasy land and she met many friends there; now she’s a fan of fashion. #passion #fantasyland #sexydress #stylishlooks #quietlyluxurious #trendingimage #confidentgirl #crazygoodman #fashionshow #hipsdancing #girlcrushmaterial #lifeisaparty #temptationofwomen #conquermen #malegaze
Andrew Christy
Very interesting post and like it.
Ann Hanson
Wearing stylish clothes, shoes, and go to a fashion show is exciting!
My friend said she made hit in the past, because her design got huge attention and she felt it was her true revelation. #Wonderinground #shopping #weirdtalent #lookinggreat #skinproducts #beautyfood #smartpeople #antiaging #isacrificedalot #malegaze #lifeisaparty #conquermen #marriedpeoplenothappy #iearneditmyself
Liz Lewis
Love the post, when you achieved something that reflected your true version, you're happy.
Heather Redman
Yes, when you get the best version of yourself out you feel good.
A girl said she looks at her favorite pictures on the wall all the time and her trademark image is immortalized in her room, which is an almost naked photo; she also has a collection of costumes, fancy shoes, and has a slogan on her image, which bears words: Never Cry. #modernstyle #minibags #neutralcolor #softmaterials #creativemindset #bestmoment #crazydancing #busigirl #highschoolfriends #beingplayful #crushesanddesire #womensbreasts #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #temptationofwomen #sleepingandsex #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen #lovejustsex #iearneditmyself #winewomensex #isacrificedalot #malegaze #conversationseducesex
Heather Redman
Very interesting and funny.
Ann Hanson
Many girls put their favorite pictures on the wall, they like their life and have their own ways of life, but put a slogan that says: Never cry, is too much.
A girl said she liked to go to dance, yoga classes, and also to die her hair, so she experienced different colors. She died her hair to blond, green, pink, walked on the street, and someone yell “Hey, Blondie”; but once she died her hair she burned her head. #danceclass #yogaclass #exerciseandgym #socializing #prettygirl #enviedbymany #enjoylife #cookingclass #conquermen
Emily Hill
Very funny, the girl seems really enjoying life.
Greg Hamilton
Love the post and it's interesting and funny.
Some girls say they like window shopping and relax on the side of street; they also said when driving home they enjoy people-watching; at weekend, they look for interesting place to go: a colorful market, busy street, restaurant with courtyard, where they drink wine, eat food, people-watching. #busigirl #minibags #neutralcolor #softmaterials #creativemindset #vegetarianfood #modernstyle #bestmoment #beingplayful #tastydishes #differendcultures #isacrificedalot #trappedinmarriage #conquermen
Peter Price
Cool post! Window shopping, people watching, drinking wine, that's real life.
Shannon Benard
Yes, modern life needs enjoying after working, so window shopping, people watching and drinking wine become fun.
At party there was a girl who didn’t just look pretty, also kicks butt, likes a girl-on-girl hookup; she said she’s vulnerable, but her embarrassed behavior let her feel a mission accomplished, a want to be a real-life gay. #nearlynaked #Hollywoodequivalent #bikiniandcocktails #envy #anotherlife #dressupforlover #sleepingandsex #liveinbighouses #sexualscenes #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen #conversationseducesex
Bill Atlanta
Very interesting post!
Peter Price
So the girl is cool?
Hosting Skills: My friend learned her hosting skills from her mother; she said her parents were very general, and always had many friends coming to their house; so her hosting skills are being kind to everyone, well dressed up, do makeup, offering her best to her guests. #familytradition #healthfood #perfectcouple #mylighthouse #preparedinner #feelrenewed #yourbrain #goodtiming #livelonger #crazyinlove #trappedinmarriage #conquermen
Katie Roberts
Love the post! It seems hosting skill has to do with family tradition and those girls learned skills are lucky.
Shannon Benard
Very interesting topic and girls can learn a lot.
My neighbor likes controversial thing, when people said she’s a liar, stupid fun, she said she’s not being ashamed for her behavior; she still goes to wild party, making jokes, wearing leather hot-pants, fuck-me boots, dressing like a Barbie, and said she likes rich boys, shiny toys. #stupidfun #makejokes #rumorsandtension #wildparty #wildperson #womensbreasts #conquermen
Lance Clark
A lot of girls like that, the question is how to let them feel they also worth something.
Ali Turner
Girls like controversial things are normal, some of them become talented people.
My friend is a weird talent, she likes singing, performing and acting; she also liked stunts. Once she building herself bigger boobs, putting on large-cup bras, with a deep V-neck cleavage and went to a restaurant; now waiter at her table lingering long after taking her order, a friend started hitting on her, thus making her friendship weird forever after. #weirdtalent #singing #performing #acting #beautyfood #womensbreasts #crazyinlove #lifeisaparty #marriedpeoplenothappy #temptationofwomen #conquermen
Greg Hamilton
Love the post! Weird talent let people feel life is interesting and rich.
Jack Smith
Very funny! My friend also like stunts and she always let others have fun.
My neighbor used to be a beauty parlor, worried about her hair, makeup, dress; she’s a go-getting urbanite, like free-style; she’s busy, just say: Hey, I maybe do my own things; and she doesn’t give a fuck for other’s gaze. #sexism #controversystuff #hairstyle #beautykit #coolgirlsilhouette #entertainlife #lifeisaparty #lowIQ #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #temptationofwomen #marriedpeoplenothappy #conquermen
Liz Lewis
Love the post! Many girls now feel they can live their own life and they don't have to worry about anything and they can be free any time.
Summer Duff
Yes, girls should be free from doing their own things and they are really cool and creative.
My friend said she wants to send a birthday wish to her friend, to her family member, and also to her former lover, who is a law officer. She said she wants to renew her passion, to find her happiness, get rid of her dead-end life, and impress her crush. #datinggame #fateandluck #superficialanddumb #increaseintelligent #smalltownsincerity #theysuck #trappedin #lowIQ #yourworth #bodyismoreimportantthanbrain #conquermen #Westernworldmyth #everyonelies #lovelesslife
Matt Wood
That's right, renew your passion and get your happiness back.
Steve Spencer
How to get rid of one's dead-end life is still a challenge for many people.
A girl said she tries getting her man, being happy, dealing with cheating boyfriend, but she’s a strong-minded woman and knows that most men love strong women as friends, not as girlfriends, so she just sleeping around. #findagoodman #womensbreasts #sleepingandsex #conquermen #everyonelies #lovejustsex #conversationseducesex
Steve Spencer
Strong women are great, but many men feel difficult to deal.
Katie Roberts
Strong women can get many things done fast because they are smart!
Pat Davis
So, best way is never say never.
Karl Joyce
Many girls said they will never get married and have kids, but they got married and have several kids.