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Summer Duff
I go out with my friends on Friday night and get drunk sometimes, which let me have sleepless nights, but I still pursue my dream.
- Jacksonville, Florida
- Joined November 2023
I go out with my friends on Friday night and get drunk sometimes, which let me have sleepless nights, but I still pursue my dream.
Jacksonville, Florida
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A friend said he’s a capable person, but for years he was not lucky, trapped in a place, and experienced cruel fate because he had no job, family, and lover; however his fate changed by a chance encounter and his former teacher, now he’s a professional and he cherishes his opportunity. #trappedin #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #formerteacher
Cultural Obsession: A friend said he lived in a place where had strange culture; so he started to be interested in different cultures, which let his cultural obsession deal with darkness, unknowable things. #changestatusque #freakout #capableperson #myhero #formerteacher #neversaynever #controversytopics #democracyandfreedom #loveformoney #embarrassingthing #peoplewatching #simplepleasure #conversationseducesex #blabbermouth #unforgettabletrip
Liz Lewis
Cultural obsession is a great post because people can think and learn a lot.
Heather Redman
Love the post and learned something important in life.
Will Grant
A great post and like it. So people can be trapped in a place, a marriage or a job, but once having a chance to change, they can have successful stories.
Neil Holland
Totally agree.