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Summer Duff
I go out with my friends on Friday night and get drunk sometimes, which let me have sleepless nights, but I still pursue my dream.
- Jacksonville, Florida
- Joined November 2023
I go out with my friends on Friday night and get drunk sometimes, which let me have sleepless nights, but I still pursue my dream.
Jacksonville, Florida
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Damage Control? If your normal life is interrupted; or your business is losing money and you try to control the damage; or your skin getting dry, emotion running high, friends blaming you, boyfriend angry, you should… #dorightthing #yourcommunity #feelstuck #lostenthusiasm #feelhopeless #lostpassion #trappedinmarriage #Westernworldmyth #isacrificedalot #trappedin #lowIQ #hateloverelathionship
A guy said he lived a normal life and suddenly changed the situation; now he lost his job, lover, and has financial problem, difficult to pay his rent, which changed his mood, behavior… #feelpressure #feelpanic #feeltrapped #ventanger #weirdbehavior #feeldesperate #selfdestructive #Westernworldmyth
Will Grant
Suddenly changed life could make people feel there is no hope, so they need professional help.
Summer Duff
When someone lost his job, lover, and can't pay rent, it's the time that local community needs to come out and give help.
Religious beliefs, radical zealots and bad law officer? Some people said Christian are peaceful and respectful in their interactions with others. They also said Muslim zealots are extremely passionate about their beliefs. True or false? #dorightthing #cannotbesilent #mylighthouse #sexualfaith #fidelity #onenightaffair #lifelongpromise #obsessivegirl #daddycomplex #wanderingmuseum #manofclout #hardearnedexperience #sexism #controversystuff #putdownothers #Westernworldmyth
Neil Holland
False, any religious zealots are not good for society.
Andy Hauser
Any religious groups are only for themselves, for their beliefs, so there're not about peaceful or respectful, it's about get what they want.
Looking & Finding: A girl said she got bored and went to her mother’s hometown, a foreign country, where she found an interesting lifestyle; so, at a fashion weekend, she found a cool community, a food grower; she also found her best friends and shared her tips: exercise, self-learning. #languageclass #fancyshoes #sexyandseductive #glamourgirl #successandfear #sexylook #foreveryoung #projectandsuccess #shoppingforfun #goodtiming #Westernworldmyth
Ali Turner
Very interesting post and love it!
Andy Hauser
When people get bored, they need to find a way to get their life back, and traveling is the best way to do the job.
A guy said he worked hard for his present place; he also likes to make a joke, to social with different people; but he said he’s tired of being the person people perceive and wants to try something different. #politicalpolarization #culturewar #socializing #prettygirl #luckyandsmart #expressyourself #richpeople #spendmoney #workplaceculture #putdownothers #isacrificedalot #Westernworldmyth
Rebecca Houston
People are polarized and they don't know if they can be themselves, which is bad because we have a culture war there.
Andrew Christy
Political polarization and culture war is a big problem now and we all need to be alert.
Keep On: My friend said he learned his skills gradually, at school, at home; now he wants to share his learning process: he learned each skill on a need-to-know basis, his secret of success is to keep on practicing, improving his skills daily. #passion #protectenvironment #moneyissues #controlling #amazingguy #healthyfood #hotpotato #BibleandGod #trappedin #lowIQ #trappedinmarriage #crazyinlove #temptationofwomen #Westernworldmyth
Amy Lynch
That's right, keep on!
Andrew Christy
Skills learned on daily and need-to-know basis, which is very true.
A friend said she feels her body clock ticking fast; so she realized she needs to focus on what she wants: dating, family, kids; she also worries about her skin, eating, body shape, and wants to control her daily rhythms, to let her body clocks tick slowly. #vegetarianfood #fastfood #highbloodpressure #crucialmoment #wearealllived #feelpainful #emotionandinstinct #yourworth #Westernworldmyth #lovelesslife
Andrew Christy
Body clock ticking is real, so those who feel they still need to do some important things they should learn something from here.
Brian Lawrence
There are posts that could let body clocks tick slowly and they are really helpful.
My friend is a funny, happy person, he travels to a place, finds everything is interesting; he wants to be a chef, or a musician; he has random ideas, he leaves a flower on the desk, sends a postcard, for no reason. #happyperson #lifeisaparty #iearneditmyself #lifelikeart #purposeoflife #temptationofwomen #marriedpeoplenothappy #Westernworldmyth
Katie Roberts
Happy person always finds way to enjoy life and what they discovered also can be helpful for others.
Dana Foyle
Love the post! My friend is also positive, he loves cooking, and he can always find a great restaurant for his friends.
My neighbor traveled around and used to be a wild person. Since having kids she changed herself; but she still has something bohemian in her, because she drinks, smokes, has kids, but no husband. #myneighbor #wildperson #somethingbohemian #dealwithmen #Westernworldmyth #bodyandbreasts #womenandtheirworth
Liz Lewis
Great story. My friend also has something bohemian, she dated many people and has several kids, but no husband, and she's still optimistic.
Dana Foyle
Love the story. We live in free society and those girls who work hard and enjoy their life and bohemian way of lifestyle is also part of modern society, in where many girls have kids, but on husband. ,
Jack Smith
Love the post! Yes, damage control is very important and you can always find solution for it.
Ted Douglas
When one's normal life is interrupted, the important thing is taking action to let life back to normal, so seeking professional help becomes necessary.