

Scott Tar

Offer a fresh perspective on enjoying life

  • Philadephia, Pennsylvania
  • Joined September 2023

Scott Tar

My friend started to enjoy her life after working: she wondering round, shopping without the telephone ringing, taking an hour to get ready to go out to dinner, talking to her friends on the phone, even travelling to a foreign country! #enjoylife #wonderinground #hiking #shopping #trendybags #travelingandspending #friendsforlife #friendship #makeupfans #beautyproducts #girlstime

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Liz Lewis

Great story! It seems people really need to start enjoying life because not only it's part of life but making work hard more meaningful.


Allen Pace

Bricks & Mortar-store: A friend said she just started a bricks-and-mortar-store; she used to travel, wondering round, or shopping online and now she likes to visit real stores, try skin products, buy beauty food, and feel young again. #wonderinground #shopping #skinproducts #beautyfood #feelyoungagain

Bricks & Mortar-stor
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Scott Tar

A cool post because more and more people feel they like visiting real stores and have real shopping experience.


Matt Wood

My friend said she made hit in the past, because her design got huge attention and she felt it was her true revelation. #Wonderinground #shopping #weirdtalent #lookinggreat #skinproducts #beautyfood #smartpeople #antiaging #isacrificedalot #malegaze #lifeisaparty #conquermen #marriedpeoplenothappy #iearneditmyself

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Liz Lewis

Love the post, when you achieved something that reflected your true version, you're happy.


Heather Redman

Yes, when you get the best version of yourself out you feel good.


Karl Joyce

My friend’s dream is to become a luxury designer, even though he’s in the service industry, so his starting point is to work hard, making sure his customers are happy, because he realized that if he wants others to respect him as a designer, he should first stop his own disrespectful way. #wonderinground #shopping #sensitiveperson #weirdtalent #equalrights #ecoliving #citizensresponsibility #skinproducts #antiaging #biking #feelyoungagain #trappedinmarriage

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Alex Day

Great post! Yes, to let others to respect you, you need to stop your own disrespectful way.


Rebecca Houston

Love the post.


Will Grant

My friend runs all the places around world and now he’s fluent of several foreign languages. He also experienced exotic cultures: Explosion of color, intense mugginess, omnipresent chaos, tyrannical and paternalistic ways. #tangibleculture #spaexperience #somethingbohemian #wonderinground #shopping #womensbreats #temptationofwomen #marriedpeoplenothappy #lowIQ

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Carol Young

Very interesting post an I love it!


Ali Turner

When you travel, you see a world different and you learn a lot.